Burning Bear


RAWR type of vacations

The task was to design a complete brand identity for a new type of vacation for younger people delivered by Thingaard Rejser., They would arrange trips to the European Alps where you could take part in all kinds of extreme sports. Partly based on a target group analysis we ended with the funky bear title. Inspired by the American festival Burning Man. 


Selected Works

When Tech SparksWebinar concept

Pakke dk RedesignUx/Ui Design

Out of the OrdinarySocial Media

Heart of BollnäsArt installation

Code of conductIllustration

Star impactUnity VFX

IBM WatsonExplainer Animation

NordeaEVP Campaign

Danske BankInfographic

MiljøministerietPublic Campaign

GEAExplainer film

Mobile PayB2B Animation

IBMExhibition Design

Panzer GeeksGame Art Direction

Burning BearBrand identity design

Take Me HomeProduct design

Ørsted DayExperience design